Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Oh Shit...

...why did you choose to re-appear this weekend? dumb mouse!

...how am i going to look 10 lbs skinnier for cousin's wedding?

...how am i going to look 10 lbs skinnier for shopping for dress with my mother for wedding?

...there are like, 19 steps to applying for a job with your fine organization.

...this is only minorly LESS of a pain in the ass than navigating the federal government job listings

...i should have done this thing for work WEEKS AGO

...i noticed two nights ago that the chain-lock to one of our skylights is dangling procariously un-locked, instead of tight inside its home where it belongs and i've had trouble sleeping just THINKING about it but i am too short, even standing on a chair and a stool with no spotter to reach it.

...how long have i looked like i needed a haircut this bad?

...no really, i'm serious. why didn't anyone SAY anything?

...who knew there were more days in february after this weekend? calendars play cruel tricks. i thought this weekend was march 5!

...the DK's birthday is coming up and i only have part ONE of present

...wait, that means my birthday is only like, 7 weeks away.

...what should i DO for it?

...i am getting SIDE-TRACKED!

...i am only on the beginning of the FIRST SLEEVE of the sweater

...at time of posting i only have 4 days, 20 hours, and 58 minutes left by THE OFFICIAL CLOCK(scroll down a bit, on the righthand side)


...and then i have to seam it, sew the cowl, and block it?

...4 days, 20 hours, and 54 minutes

...4 days, 20 hours, and 53 minutes

...why am i still writing about it and not KNITTING AT WORK?

...because i already did, just enough before i was like

...i could get caught!

...there should be more of you, sweater, but alas, there is not.


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